The Supper Club Files

By SupperGuru

Day 4 - Eternal feast

well I put out a plea for another guest to supper club ... only day four and I am already exhausted keeping up with both journals I was having fish and chips for tea ...

and thankfully Eternal came to my rescue with her boulangere potatoes ...

This is how she made them - earlier ... they are now all gone!

Take some potatoes, wash but don't peel. Slice very thin - best done with a mandolin to preserve the element of danger. Thinly slice some onions too if you like them.

Arrange potatoes and onions in a shallow dish with some thyme mixed in and cover with hot stock (whatever you have on the shelf) to about 3/4 of the level of the potatoes. Dot with butter, cover with tinfoil and bake in the oven until the potatoes are just cooked.

Remove the tinfoil and them cook uncovered until the potatoes on the top are golden and crispy and pretty much all of the stock has gone.

Sometimes I add a little chopped bacon and sprinkle some grated cheese on the top - then it's a meal in itself

Even better the next day when reheated - although this assumes that you don't eat it all in one sitting.

**Apologies but as I am still on the L plates I cannot put links into my journal - but eternal is at -

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