Put Out to Pasture

Dear Diary,

This old truck is quietly rusting away in a field not far from me.  I suppose young people may not be familiar with the term, "put out to pasture" but when one's usefulness is over that's where you go, well, old horses anyway and apparently old trucks.  It seems as if I am dwelling on this theme lately.  I have a wonderful book by Joan Chittister called The Gift of Years.  Everyone over 65 should read it.  You will never think of aging in the same way.

"A blessing of these years is to realize, early, that this stage of life is full of possibilities...The blessing of these years is the equanimity that comes from knowing that none of the side roads of life were wasted...We learned that to come to fullness of life it takes absolutely nothing at all beyond the development of the best in ourselves."

I think I will go back to this old truck to explore the beautiful colors and patterns of its rusting shell.  Even in its old age it has something to offer.  Finding beauty in decay interests me...maybe I'm not ready for the pasture quite yet! ;-)

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