The story so far...


Sleep sleep sleep

All day I have tried to take a cute picture of cam but all he has wanted to do is sleep. He slept all through our postnatal class (last one :-() although did ensure he practiced his spitting when mummy offered him his bottle. The postnatal mummies then ventured to the pub for a nice lunch and all babies behaved impeccably, apart from one. Cam decided it was great fun watching mummy picking up various item of the floor after the little monster had thrown them there. All items in grasping distance removed he continued his new found love for spitting and poor mummy ended up covered in a mouthful of pea and carrot purée.
It was then sleepy time again when we jumped in the car to see the nct group at grace's house. Cam was not impressed at being rudely woken up as he is getting too big for mummy to carry in the car seat and decided to be a grumpy boy in between bouts of vomiting up lunch (mango scented vomit, yummy).
When we got home mummy thought it would be nice for cam and daddy to spend time together although our little monkey had other idea and decided sleeping on mummy was a much more appealing option which is where he remained until bedtime. Lets hope he isn't becoming nocturnal!

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