With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Tubes of delight

There was no celery in the local supermarket, it's too posh, just fennel. I wasn't too sure how it would work when Year 11 and I set this up yesterday and by this morning, there only seemed to be a tiny bit of the base of the stem that had taken up the methylene blue stain. However, it was gloriously effective as far as it had got. We made transverse sections, but even better were the longitudinal ones. We could see the xylem so clearly with its twists of lignin and then even the phloem sieve plates. Gasps of joy all round. Sorry I couldn't get a clearer shot down the mike. Big it maybe if you're interested?

Meanwhile, H and I have got the hang of immunology thanks to a marvellous website here . What a fascinating place the body (and plant) is!

Meanwhile back in Soller, boys are super fine, Ben playing baseball and making a long catch and Agu enjoying the tubes of delight of the shower. No doubt the bathroom will be host to a deluge by the time I've posted.

Now I need to do some cooking and grab a last few moments of joy before some long weeks set in. Please let there be light at the end.

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