Hamnavoe in Hoy Sound (Day 1197)

A different kind of a day today. After the morning woofer wander, I headed to Mum's where a list of jobs awaited me. First of all there was a broken fence post to remove and replace, then fix the fence back on the post. Next, I put some ventilation holes into a loft space above the garage, before clearing a bit of a blockage in a waste pipe. Back outside there were a few fence posts to drive in. It would have been a lot easier if there weren't so many stones in the way. 
We were joined for lunch by  my beautiful wife and afterwards HV and I took all of the woofers for a wander in the pissing rain. The sky was beginning to clear as the Hamnavoe sailed in to Hoy Sound. By the time I was back at Mum and Dad's the rain had stopped and I was able to finish the fence posts without being too badly munched by the bastard midges.
Off for a curry shortly, and heading on an overseas adventure tomorrow.

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