Eday Day Trip (Day 1198)

Today started at stupid o'clock with me heading for a ferry which departed at the time I would normally be getting out of bed. Having to be there a little before the departure time meant a very early start. 
The ferry across to the island of Eday took two and a half hours, stopping at Stronsay on the way. Once on Eday, I trundled along to see the a customer to discuss options for improving her shower. The only sensible way of doing it will be to change her system to a mains pressure hot water system. I will likely need to head back to Eday soon. 
There wasn't much I could do for the customer today and I will need to get some prices and an estimate organised for her. 
The return ferry wasn't until 5pm, so I spent the day driving around being a tourist, stopping the van frequently (usually in the middle of the road) to take pictures. It was a perfect day for the kind of photography which I like - bright sunshine and blue skies studded with big white fluffy clouds. I overpolarised everything. I found it really hard to choose a blip today, but this one will do I reckon. 
The extra is an old motorbike I found languishing in a derelict church of all places. I am glad I stopped to have a look in.
It has been a grand day, though a long one and I am glad to be home with my beautiful wife

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