St Chad's

A bit of a cheaty blip today as I was doing some editing during my lunch break and loved this one I took a couple of weeks ago of St Chad's, taken from the tower of St Georges.

Back at work today - bit of a shock to the system. I figured that if I work this week, it means I can take another couple of weeks off at the end of the school holiday. Hopefully the weather will have cheered up a bit by then (wishful thinking?!). Plus it means I'm in the office on my own. Quiet and a bit dull, but I get so much more done.

After work I decided that a bit of hill training would be beneficial so I ran to the bottom of Porthill and then ran up and down it three times. It was as horrific as you might imagine - but the run home again was worse with super tired legs.

Movie night at Grace's (popcorn is a good recovery food, right?!).

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