Hoy and heather (Day 1195)

After the morning woofer wander, I loaded all of the scrap into the van and headed for town as my beautiful wife trundled off to do hossing. 
I've been tripping over the scrap for too long, but as usual it was worth keeping it and weighing it in at the scrapyard - four hot water cylinders, 30kg of scrap copper pipe and 75kg of old taps, shower valves and other assorted scrap brass. If I had weighed it in at a scrapyard on the mainland, I would have got a higher price, but it is money for nothing so I am not complaining.
As I was trading in my scrap I got a call out to a leak, and trundled off to the rather panicky customer. A quick look indicated that the very old hot water cylinder had corroded and needs a new one. It will be next week before the new one is delivered to Orkney. They reckon they will be able to cope until I can fit it. 
I was back home in time for lunch with HV, then a wander at Lyde where the heather is in full bloom. 
A bit later on whilst HV went off for more hossing, I jumped on the motorbike with the excuse of delivering an insurance report to a customer. Nice to be on the bike again for a bit of a pootle around on lovely dry roads.

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