What A Bargain......

£2 for 4 or £3.28 for 6
Do people really fall for this?

What really hacks me off though is when they do not compare like for like ......... things like a pack of 4 onions £1 or loose 90p a kilo
Or a bag of bananas £x working out at ??per kilo when loose they are ?? per pound.

Took the Cygnet out puddle jumping this afternoon.
He needs waders and an oilskin coat.
First puddle ........ soaked nearly to the waist (by 3rd puddle it was his waist)
Later (after a couple of games of Pooh sticks) ...... "Tidying up the leaves" (grab an armful of wet leaves from one side of the path, carry them to the other side and throw them up in the air - repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat....) and that was his coat and gloves heading to the washing machine too.
What a great walk - just so funny.

I tried getting arty in an impressionistic way and in a slightly abstract way ................. not nearly as good as the Cygnet tidying up the leaves.

An excellent speaker with amazing wildlife shots at the new camera club tonight (yes - I am a member of another club now).

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