Early tomorrow we head out to meet up with Margit & Uwe, this time in Berlin. A new destination for us so looking forward to exploring this great city. Apparently;
There are 180 museums in Berlin
Berlin has more bridges than Venice – around 1,700 of them
Berlin has more ‚pDöner‘ Kebap shops than Istanbul. 1,600!
On an average day 950 Döner spits are eaten in the city, each spit holding 63 kg so that’s 60 tonnes of meat a day
They also serve up 70 million currywursts a year
There are 500,000 foreigners in the city, from 185 countries
One in four Berliners are Berliners
Berlin is home to 3 Unesco world heritage sites. The Museum Island, Sansoussi Palace and Parks in Potsdam and the Modernism Housing Estates
Berlin has the largest train station in Europe
There are nine castles in Berlin
The East Side Gallery is the longest open air gallery in the world (and also has the longest surviving stretch of the Berlin Wall ......

So there's plenty to do (and eat)

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