
I kept waking up in the night to the smell of cooked onions.

I had made Fish Pie yesterday - by Special Request from Mr W's Daughter. She was 'supposed' to be coming for dinner. I'd stopped off at the shops on my way home to get the ingredients, spent a few hours straight after work cooking the Special Dish, then waited...... and waited...... and waited. 

Mr W then called her to see when she was coming. She was busy tucking into a curry her sister had made. She had forgotten. 

The air turned a slight shade of Blue. One was no amused. Even my Daughter Number 1 who had come over to see Alex said she couldn't believe how rude it was. 

Anyway, about 10 minutes later, there was a knock on the door. There stood Alex with a very sheepish look on her face holding a packet of Revels and a bunch of Lillys! Despite having started a curry, she managed to eat her fish pie, catch up with DN1 then promptly left to go and see her new Boyfriend. I was trying hard not to be cross anymore despite the rushed, awkward evening.

And back to today. I was at work, sitting in my car amusing 2 little children, when a lady parked next to me and used my car as a battering ram with her car door. The last thing she expected was for me to wind down my window and tell her off!!!! She apologised and said she didn't realise she had done it. Of course she did. She didn't realise I was sitting in my car!!!

But when I returned, she had left this note written on a napkin under my windscreen wiper.

Its the Little things and actually no damage done. 

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