Thank you!

Last year, I was send one of these beautiful Flower Tags by Lydia (JazzyB) for my Birthday. Then it mysteriously disappeared after 'someone' threw out the dead lillies they were tight around. No names mentioned of course.

Since then I have been trying to order some from an Instagram Seller but her selling days are few and far between when she does list them, the items don't stay safely in your basket. If you are too slow paying, they can be stolen from your basket! I hate that.  

Anyway, Lydia saw my message on Insta to the seller and very , very kindly sent me another one!!!! 

'Someone' has been told to keep their hands off my dead Lillies and especially my new Heart Tag!!!!! 'Someone' keeps telling me it wasn't him!

Of course!

Anyway, thank you again Lydia. You lovely Lady you. xXx

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