On Enchantment

Another quote from the A Diary of the Century, from which I once read aloud to Blipper friends:

Thomas Mann once described his own diary keeping as "this process by which each passing day is captured, not only its impressions, but also, at least by suggestion, its intellectual direction and content as well, less for the purpose of rereading and remembering than for taking stock, reviewing, maintaining awareness, achieving perspective."

Stayed up way too late reading this book (borrowed from Sem Fim), and thinking about diary keeping (I keep a paper one as well as Blipping), and "maintaining awareness"... been aware that the enchantment of being here has been lacking lately, not sure why, or what to do... 

But grateful that Mike suggested a walk in a different direction, and for the time to stop lots and try to see the beauty, and to be re-enchanted, at least a little...

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