the colour green

By jukeys

rushy river

Made a petit épeautre loaf early on and then drove (with the dough wrapped in a plastic bag beside me in the passenger seat) to Les Pilles to check the house out. Walked down the Apricot Path with Leo to see the river and how much it has risen. It's so fast! I'm used to seeing it in the summer when it's just a wee trickle. It looks so much more majestic now.

Left Leo back home and then made my way to Entrechaux to see Carrie and the girls. Picked the 2 eldest up from school and then got back to make the dinner for everyone. Carrie went to her meeting at school and I fed the kids and finally baked the loaf. It had been proving for hours! Turned out great and the girls love it; apart from Marie-Claire who opened her mouth and spat it out onto the table :)

Got a couple of bits of bad news in the early evening. One to do with my work back at home. Lots of people across all of the UK offices (but mainly our Glasgow site) are to lose their jobs. It's unbelievably sad. I am thinking of everyone involved :(

Had a great chat with Carrie when she got back from her meeting, over a bottle of Rieu Frais rosé. She certainly cheered me up and went to bed laughing our heads off...Carrie at one end of the house and me at the other, uncontrollably cracking up :)

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