Adventure Land

We had a super day with nana and pops today. We met at Clark’s shoe shop and got Alexander his first pair of school shoes. He was really excited and wanted to wear them out of the shop!

We then went to frankie and Bennys for lunch and then went into the newly opened Adventure Land. It was fantastic and the kiddies had so much fun. Finding gold in the gold mine, jumping on the sky net, driving JCB’s and playing on the beach. Such a great addition to the retail park and very reasonably priced. I wish we could have spent longer there but we had to head home for Alexander’s last parents evening at preschool.

His key worker had nothing but wonderful things to say about him. She said he was more than ready for school and has such an interest in everything around him that makes learning easy. He’s much more confident now and has lots of friends. She wished him well for school and it all got a bit emotional as we remembered him starting at just 10 months old. How time flies.

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