By JAM28

Gorges du Verdon and Lac de Sainte Croix

Had a big day out today, driving nearly 2 hours to the Gorges du Verdon along a very scenic but heart-stoppingly windy mountain road. The weather was hot and sunny all day; we noticed the change in temperature with this area being lower in altitude to where we’re staying.
The best way to see the gorge is by boat, so undeterred by having two dogs with us, we had a pedalo and the boys had a kayak. The dogs were good passengers and we can add this mode of transport to all the others that we’ve taken them on (including a cable car on last year’s holiday!). The gorge was stunning, with its turquoise water and towering mountains either side. On the way back, Young Master M couldn’t resist jumping off part way up into the water, having watched others do it. My heart was in my mouth watching him, but I had the job of videoing him, so I had to look!
After we took the boats back, we went to the beach on the banks of the Lac de Sainte-Croix, the lake that the gorge opened into. The water was warm, clear and turquoise. Perfect.
Late afternoon we visited the beautiful village of Moustiers Sainte Marie with its winding, narrow streets, old buildings and interesting little shops. Despite pedalling for 2 hours on a boat and swimming, we still had the energy to walk up to the mountain top church, where the view was amazing.
Home late to rustle up some tea. Everyone tired but happy that we’d had a great day out and no rain again! Campsite was dry too, so there’d been no rain here either.
A more relaxing day in store tomorrow I think!

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