Juniper communis
Today's the day ..................… for expert advice
A lovely breezy walk on Scout Scar this afternoon after a long lazy lunch.
It's very good to go for a walk with a group of people who know a great deal about ecology, plants and wildlife. They find lots of plants that you hadn't ever noticed - and any questions can be easily answered. These juniper bushes were looking very healthy - and covered in berries.
You may know that Juniper, is used to flavour gin. In fact, the name gin itself is derived from either the French genièvre or the Dutch jenever which both mean 'juniper'. Did you know though that Juniper berries have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs at multiple sites, including that of Tutankhamun? Juniper is not known to grow in Egypt and the berries may have been imported into Egypt from Greece.
Not a lot of people know that ……………………..
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