The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Long Overdue

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Tonight I finally caught up with LB. It used to be soooo easy to catch up with her. You used to organise nights out for the three of us O’H dear. You would check when we were free, work your organisational magic and the next thing I knew, I would be nursing a hangover and you would be phoning in sick with a ‘migraine’.

But UNBELIEVABLY there has not been a night out since you abandoned us went to New Zealand.

So like Orphan Annies, almost a year later, we had to ARRANGE OUT OWN NIGHT. And it’s not easy. Let me tell you. Each of us would suggest a date but then it would clash with another arrangement. It took several text messages to find a date that suited. FIVE WEEKS LATER.

And today was that day. We went for a gin in The Jolly Botanist before moving to The Beer Kitchen for food and more gin.

It was a great night. LB is hilariously bonkers and great fun. I was crying with laughter at some of the very frank opinions she had shared when called into a touchy feely staff development meeting. I suspect her manager probably calls HR on a regular basis!

I also mentioned that you had warmed towards Joshua. I can’t include her response as it will get me thrown off Blip but she is going to have a word with you!

We parted company with another date in the diary. Look at us. All grown up!


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