
Wow such an interesting afternoon with my parents. My mum has been tracing our family tree on and off for many years. Today however we got some really fascinating information from the military archives for my grandfathers time in the Second World War. He never spoke about any of it with my mum or auntie. I don’t think even Grandma knew much of the details.

We now know that he was in the war for 6 years. He was a gunner in the royal artillery stationed in Egypt. 3 years in he was captured by the Italians. We have a copy of the actual letter sent to my great grandmother saying that he was missing in action. However he was handed over to the Germans and they sent him to a POW camp in Poland. We know the exact camp he was in and have seen pictures online of how it used be. He spent just under 3 Years there before they were liberated by allied forces in 1945.

I can’t believe his incredible story. It’s like we are in an episode of ‘Who do you think you are?’ and I just want to know more and more. Reading about the camp online I’ve learned that 30,000 POWs were marched west across Europe to avoid being captured by the Russian army and I just have to know if he was one of the brave men that had to endure this...

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