
Banged out 100 km on the bike in the morning. Felt good but pretty tiring, more so than normal. Maybe I should just try spinning it a bit  sometimes...

Half my family were out at the flicks in the afternoon, so the half that weren't out (including me) went out and met them for tea out at the local buffet  place where we did ourselves proud, whilst still being respectful obviously. Us grown-up then left the girls finishing their deserts while we skedaddled down the road to The Traverse to see a brilliant piece of theatre, the  new show by Cora Bissett. I absolutely loved What Girls Are Made Of - funny, poignant, sad, exciting, vibrant - just great. I might even go and  see it again and take the older of my girls. She may not get the early 90s musical references, but as a piece of theatre - wow!


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