Writer's Block

By writersblock

Across the bridge

While my car was up the street getting smog checked (it passed like it was brand new - yay!), AJ and I went to the park at Moonlight Beach. It was a windy and rather chilly day so we bundled up. It's nice to see that the temperature is starting to feel more "fall like."

Alana is a bold little girl. I watch her tackle new feats on an almost daily basis and she rarely shows fear - sometimes (actually quite often) it makes ME fearful! For instance, she climbs up and down stairs like it's no big deal, slides down slides with reckless abandon and, today, conquered the wobbly bridge - something that she hasn't been too sure about it the past.

She watches bigger kids playing and wants to do what they do - she doesn't know that she is much littler! I'm pretty sure that one day she will be the kind to jump out of planes or climb mountains or other accomplish other amazing/potentially dangerous feats just for the thrill of it.

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