Abstract (Day 1184)

After the morning woofer wander, I headed to town to look at a job in a pub. Having had a look and discussed what needed to be done, I trundled off for parts, before returning and getting on with the job. The first part, running a new supply for a new tap, I had expected to be fairly tricky, but an existing duct mean the pipe slid along to the other side of the building really easily. With the new tap fixed to the wall and connected up, I got on with the next part of the job which was more time consuming than expected, and involved sitting on the floor of a toilet whilst replacing a bit of pipework.
Job done, there was enough time to zoom to the supermarket to collect a couple of bits before returning home to deal with paperwork. 
There had been nothing to photograph all day, so once the paperwork was done, I pointed the macro lens at the flower vase again.
Time to zoom off with my beautiful wife soon for curry with the clan to celebrate Graham's birthday.

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