Hossing (Day 1185)

After the morning woofer wander I zoomed to the wilds of Costa to make an attempt at clearing a blocked drain. The warm, windless morning made the job more unpleasant - smells hung around in the air and I was chewed on by swarms of midges as I worked. I eventually had to admit defeat, and suggest that the customer contacts someone who can pressure jet the drain, though I have a feeling it may be broken or collapsed.
I was back in time to disinfect myself, my drain rods and all of my clothes before lunch with my beautiful wife. Afterwards we went to see Ej before collecting Freya and Ailsa (my nieces) for a bit of hossing at the shore. The weather had deteriorated and it was thick drizzle the entire time we were out. The girls didn't seem to mind in the slightest. 

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