Double Shot Mummy


Dribbly, slightly unsettled baby

Poor Maple was on and off the boob all day today, she really didn't know what she wanted. Last week she started dribbling a lot (As you can see in the pic). It may be teething but I remember when the twins were babies blaming everything on teething. Oscar was almost 11 months and Bailee 12 months before they got their first teeth, surely Maple is still too little!

Despite being uncharacteristically out of sorts, Maple still managed many smiles and coos throughout the day.

Almost every day we go to the beach or swimming pool, but today I decided we'd stay in and see how we survive! We made spelt cinnamon 'gingerbread' men and went for a walk to collect items for a beach collage. Oscar and Bailee looked sweet pushing their mini strollers with buckets dangling off the sides to collect treasures in.

It was a fun activity together, Oscar especially loved filling his bucket. We got about half way and for some reason Bailee decided she didn't want to walk anymore. She had a full blown screaming fit and refused to budge. I could sense the sideways glances as people walked past but didn't care..... I just wanted her to stop. In the end it took a lot of coaxing, a sprint to 'rescue' Oscar from the road and some calming down time under a tree but she eventually cheered up and we all walked back together.

The collages were a hit. I asked them what they wanted me to draw and then drew and cut out pictures for them to glue on. Oscar requested a green shark and Bailee an umbrella and bucket. They also added macaroni (A new favourite word for Oscar), sand, shells, flowers and leaves.

All and all a trying but successful day. Love my children <3

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