Marvin's Museum

I took D-I-L Heather Joy down to the big city (Detroit) today to take a test, so I was trying to figure out something to do for a few hours. It came down to two choices.

1. The Detroit Zoo.
2. Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum.

I looked it up on my phone, and the zoo was going to cost me 23 dollars. 23 DOLLARS! So...option 2 it was going to be. The museum price? Free.

Marvin's turned out to be a glorified arcade. Pinball games, and some REALLY old-style games where you put in a quarter, and the "person" in the machine tells you your fortune. Things like that. Interesting, but a little disturbing, too.

Lesson of the day learned? get what you pay for.

I'm still working on my Up North Pictures With Merrick. Lisa is getting mad at me...because she wants to see them. I'm doing my best, but 2000 pictures is still 2000 pictures.

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