Yellow Houseplant Mushroom

Goodness!, I said, or something like that, when Janet asked me what this might be, growing in a flowerpot of aloe vera in the dining room... Goodness.

Turns out it's wholly appropriately called the yellow houseplant fungus, or if you can't manage that leucocoprinus birnbaumii. I'm not sure I should try frying it up.

As if that's not enough for a Wild Wednesday where Prosecco o'clock came slightly earlier than normal, on our wander around Westonbirt Arboretum this afternoon I came across this huge (and remember, a holly leaf is about two inches long) huge hornets nest (see extra).

Before (happily) Prosecco-time, I managed to brush off, treat and prime most of the left hand side of the camper van. I am really chuffed (English expression of happiness) that the metal of the van is still solid under the paint. 

It appears, after my earlier warning, that Facebook are indeed blocking sharing from third party sites such as WordPress and including Blipfoto. That would appear to be Facebook's loss.

(yes, the hornets flew alongside me for about fifty metres as I gently retreated, before abandoning me as a dead loss. I was quite joyous at that.)

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