Kath's Journal

By Kathb

Samlesbury Hall, Near Blackburn

This is part of Samlesbury Hall. From where I was stood, and the equipment I had, it was impossible for me to get the whole of the hall in the frame, especially as it comes back round at a 90-degree angle. Also, there was some scaffolding in the corner which was a little bit messy, so I didn’t want that in the picture. The hall was built in 1325 by Gilbert de Southworth. Anyone can visit and look round, and it is a very popular place for functions.

This was a very quick visit to the hall. I had been out to lunch at nearby Huntley’s with a friend.  I had a very tasty pea and mint risotto. Huntley’s is a small outlet village complete with a food hall and restaurant.

After lunch we went back to my friend’s house for the afternoon. Mona is an excellent cook, and during the earlier part of the evening she made me some spicy pudla pancakes – made with gram flour. Absolutely delicious. My diet was put on hold for the day. 

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