A Walk on the Rainy Side

This evening I did another of the Hidden Aberdeen walking tours. This time it was the history of Aberdeen's main street, Union Street. We learnt many things, including that the Union being celebrated was not England and Scotland (as I thought) but rather Britain and Ireland. Well that did not go too well.

We visited several dark passages I have never been before. Much of the eastern part of Union Street is elevated above ground level, so we saw the arches supporting the street. What looks like ground level for the shops in Union Street, is in fact about five or six stories up from true ground level.

The walk lasted two hours, and it was heavy rain throughout. The morning after some of my clothes and shoes are still drying. When the walk concluded I looked along Union Street to see if there was any chance of getting a bus. No luck so I walked back to the apartment, the rain seemed if anything to be even heavier. The drains were not coping too well so there were large puddles, not all of which I could avoid.

The photograph shows The Green, which used to be on the main road in to Aberdeen from the south. No longer as the later developments have cut it off from access in that direction. The buildings behind me (they do not show in the picture) rise up several floors and reach eventually become the shops in Union Street.

Again the sky is not the original.

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