
By Bigdreamer


Happy birthday Rach, it was nice to spend the day with my family again. My girls love to play with thier cousins and we really don't see enough of each other. I have sad to catch up more over holidays now that mine are a bit older and really enjoy having friends over.

It was a nice warm day, kids were in the unheated pool. Crazy little things!! the water was absolutley freezing I managed to dip a toe in and that was all. Kids seemed oblivious to the icey water and splashed around playing with each other, in their undies, jumping in and then laying on the warm concrete.

Has been a busy few weeks, with parties, and engagements, with more to come next weekend too. It is funny how it all happens at once, and now most weekends are no longer free. I guess life gets more and more busier and you try to squeeze more and more in to it.

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