Mrs K has just about finished a piece of work for a great idea remembering the forgotten people lost in conflicts around the world and raising money to help those traumatised by conflict.

When convalescing, soldiers were encouraged to make heart-shaped pincushions as part of their recovery. Now Helen Birmingham, curator of Untangled Threads, is encouraging stitchers to take up their needles as part of a project called Sawdust Hearts in commemoration of the centenary of Armistice Day. Untangled Threads has made 1,568 undecorated hearts – one to represent each day of WW1 – for stitchers to decorate to become part of artwork covering 43m2, which will form the centrepiece of a commemorative exhibition on the centenary of Armistice Day 2018 at Woodend Creative Workspace in Scarborough. The commemorative event will take place on 11th November, while the public exhibition will run from 3rd to 30th November.

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