Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Raspberry Time

We woke up to a wet morning today after heavy rain overnight and then more showers throughout the morning. The garden was glad of it I think, but in spite of the rain somehow it didn't seem to be very wet, lots of short sharp showers didn't really provide enough water to make an impression on the parched ground.
It was dry after lunch, so I decided to celebrate the Queensferry Road being roadwork free for the first time in almost two months and drove out to Craigie Farm. I was there a couple of days ago in the full heat and although I had found enough strawberries and raspberries, the place had been so busy that it had taken quite a while. What a contrast with today, the raspberry polytunnels were empty of pickers, the ground was dry underfoot, the tunnels warm in the sun and the berries superb. I Picked 2.5kg in under an hour then decided to go and get some blackcurrants too. The bushes are absolutely laden with beautiful berries, so I came home with 1.5kg of them as well.
My blip is of the raspberry jam I spent the evening making. Gorgeous, sharp and full of the taste of summer. In the meantime, half of the blackcurrants are straining through my jelly bag to be made into jelly tomorrow. I'll repeat the exercise with the other half tomorrow and make them into cordial.
I love this time of year.
Sadly I didn't manage my step count today, only 8600, but it did rain a lot and I was rather busy with all the fruit.
Still tomorrow is another day and with luck the weather will be dry for long enough for me to walk a bit more after church.

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