The Artist at work

Zebedee is off school with a sore throat, Max showed him this book earlier and he sat down this evening to draw this amzing picture, he wasn't sure what to do with the nethers so I showed him some Adam and Eve images on google and this man ended up with a keyhole face and a leaf over the crotch... see here.
He is 12 and has been drawing every day since he was 3, he never scribbled like other kids and we were beginning to worry... When Gulli was 5 months and Z was 3 years 2 months we went out for a family lunch, I gave Z a napkin and an eyeliner to keep him occupied and he drew a pirate ship on the ocean with portholes, sails and flag, with birds and clouds in the air, we were very surprised and Max asked if he could do it again and he did and he hasn't stopped drawing since!
I keep an album of his Artwork on Instagram if you're interested...

I went to the hospital for more hydrodilation on my shoulder (steroid injection) but the Doctor was worried as I had an allergic reaction last time, I was very hot and itchy, he said it could be worse this time, as I am no longer in pain we decided not to bother, I still have restricted movement but the physio is helping so I'll stick with that for now...

Took Z to the Doctor, she said his throat looked viral not bacterial so lots of rest and water...

I am very tired after a weekend is Moscow!!!

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