Happy Birthday, Flowerman!

It was a pleasure to have Dana join me in Pilates class this morning. Waiting for inspiration regarding the perfect gift for OilMan, who insists he wants nothing, the big day arrived and, as is often the case, I found myself with nothing to give him. Dana helped me pick out some non-gardening clothes that I don't think he would ever buy for himself but might actually enjoy having. (Dana thinks he needs a pair of Carhart overalls,  but that's a bit difficult to think about when the temperature is hovering around 95 degrees., He elected to open his gift after dinner tonight which means I won't be able to test my theory when we go out to Rosso for an early dinner.

When I got home after dropping Dana off, I found OilMan where I always find him...on his knees in the garden amongst the petunias and the amaranths. It seemed a perfect juxtaposition of Flower Friday and a birthday portrait. He has spent the best part of five years doing everything from growing vegetables to solving irrigation problems, digging holes in rocks and making compost to put in the holes to chasing rodents, pruning, fertilizing, watering and shading. It's no wonder he never wants to change his clothes after a day in the garden...I'm impressed that he's still able to stand up! He works hard and has achieved beautiful results...I'm so happy that he has found something he loves doing to occupy his retirement years and I love the results...and him...

In other news:
The more I deal with modern medicine, the less I want to deal with it....
An alternative blood pressure medication has been prescribed for me. Since my blood pressure has been pretty normal since I stopped taking the discontinued one, I'm taking a wait and see approach about taking the new one. Especially since it wasn't prescribed by my doctor but by someone who is taking her place while she is on vacation....

We gave Ozzie another cannabis cookie which he enjoyed with no adverse results. I wouldn't say he is acting like a puppy, but since he never really has, that would be a miracle. It's too early to say whether he is feeling less stiff but I think he has the munchies....

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