Turkey Vultures

So the wires above ground (as opposed to underneath the ground) are good for something...the turkey vultures love to sit on top of the poles and even on the wires to sun themselves in the early morning. We often see them with their wings spread to catch the first rays but these two seemed to be sitting quite companionably before setting off on our daily rounds. Despite their rather unsavory dietary habits and their ugly faces, they are very sociable birds and absolutely beautiful when they catch the thermals and circle over the hills. We could tell them where to find a lot of ground squirrels but I think they have to be dead before the vultures are interested...and the squirrels are smart enough to stay under cover so they aren't spotted by the hawks, ospreys and owls which would find them an agreeable meal. Dana brought over some marigolds and geraniums which ground squirrels don't like. OilMan planted them in the pots and so far they are unscathed....

OilMan had an appointment today, so Dana went with me to see Kathy. She tripped and fell on the sidewalk while running a couple of months ago and her wrist is still bothering her, so Kathy checked her out, applied some Kinisiotape and gave her some exercises to do. Then she put tape on my foot and my knee and gave me some exercises  to do. We should both be standing straighter now...

In a perfect example of bureaucratic madness that seems to hurt everyone and doesn't help anyone, the federal government has recalled a drug which I take every day for high blood pressure. I didn't find this out until I went yesterday to the pharmacy to pick up a refill and there was none to be had. Of course the insurance won't let me renew the prescription until I run out, so now, without an alternative from my doctor, I have nothing. I've never been entirely convinced that I needed this drug or that it was having much effect...I guess, since I haven't heard anything from the doctor,  I'm about to  find out....

When I got home, Caroline was here dusting and mopping and even vacuuming around the recumbent forms of OilMan (on the couch) and Ozzie (on his bed). She was amazed at how they both slept on despite the vacuum, and I am amazed at how wonderful everything looks considering the obstacles she had to contend with....

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