As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

The Weight Of Lies

We had a workout at practice this morning. 600, 500, 400, 300, and then 200 at pretty quick paces. It wasn't bad at all. Andrew, an amazing runner for Adelphi that graduated from Wantagh a few years ago, was doing a workout of his own on the track while we were doing ours. He's training for Nationals (which is in two weeks) and we all know that he's going to do really well there, along with the Adeplhi women's team!

After practice, I went to church with my family before heading to Adelphi for my stage rehearsal for tonight's MYO concert. We didn't sound amazing, but considering that we haven't rehearsed together in almost three weeks, it wasn't the worst that it could have been. I had some time in between my rehearsal and the concert, so I walked over to the gym to watch the Wantagh Girl's Volleyball Team compete in the County Championship Match. I got quite a few strange looks for wearing a tuxedo to a high school volleyball match, but I looked good. Unfortunately, I had to head back to the concert hall before the match ended. I didn't feel too good at all while on the stage, but the concert was more of a success than I was planning on.

Chinese food for dinner, also known as eating my emotions because the veebz team lost.

Word of the Day: Armistice - A temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement of the warring parties

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