As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

We Don't Care What People Say

I had a follow-up doctor's appointment this morning. I was hoping that this would be the last because so far, everything has been perfectly normal, but no. I have to go back in three days for a TB test and eventually I have to go to a pediatric hematologist. I don't think there's anything wrong with me and I appreciate my doctor quadruple-checking everything, but this is starting to get inconvenient... Then I went to a ceremony for Veteran's Day at the American Legion. My mom wasn't feeling well so I decided I'd save her the trouble of coming to get me by walking home. The weather was lovely this morning and the walk isn't bad at all. I sat around the house for a while before going out to Spazzo's with Kyle and Julie to catch up (Kyle is home from college this weekend and Julie goes to Catholic school). I had a good time and I hope they did too. Kyle dropped Julie at home and then he came to my house and we played Civilization V for a few hours. It was awesome. Now I'm home on a Friday night, writing this...

I wish I could draw or paint.

Or both.

Maybe I should join the Peace Corps...

My mind is in a million different places right now...

Word of the Day: Zeal - Fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence; ardor

^My third grade teacher taught me this word. Thanks, Mrs. P!

#33 ~ "Drug dealin' just to get by, stack ya money 'till it gets sky high. We wasn't 'sposed to make it past twenty-five, but jokes on you we still alive, throw your hands up in the sky and say 'We don't care what people say'" - Kanye West

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