A massive wave...

...out of my head...in acrylics...I was doing those white lines that make the shape of the wave out of my head.

Hot today.

Dozens and dozens and dozens white butterflies in pairs....

Peacock Butterflies in every Buddleia bush.

Dozens and dozens of different kinds of bees, but quite a few solitary types of bees.

The rogue bee is back, and I do not have any bottles of pop, only water, and he is not interested in those, he just comes and bumps into me and flies away. However, if I am sitting on my bed right besides the open door to my garden, the rogue bee never passes the threshold, but stops for a second in the door frame as though to say, ‘There you are!’ then flies off. But as soon as I sit on the swing in the garden, he comes to visit me.

Mr and Mrs Blackbird I mentioned earlier this year, and a couple of months ago brought up another brood. Two youngsters, a girl and a boy who have now flown off. They appear to be attempting or in the process of a third brood of babies. Mr Blackbird has gone back to his very aggressive behaviour from around Christmas.

He is attempting to aggressively chase away all the small birds in the garden. But my garden is a very abundant food supply of berries and all kinds, so the little birds fly off and another set of small birds come in from another direction to replace them, and Mr Blackbird is just expending unnecessary energy....

Mr Blackbird has claimed the second nest as his man den again, and woe betide any size of bird that lands on top of that bush. Mr Blackbird is like a demon the way he flies outta attack them, and then goes on the garage roof to do his war dance. It is so amusing, and I am laughing...

I think it is time for a cuppa.

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