
We drove home from Dubbo today. The temperature was minus 6 overnight and all the water and silage pipes froze. I was warm enough in bed so not a big problem.

Sister Sally came in to visit for a cuppa before we left, it was lovely to catch up with her. She bought in some fresh farm eggs, pumpkins and oranges. We arrived home about lunch time and first picked up Tom. He was very pleased to see us. Then we unpacked what was needed from the van and I had a nap while Bob did some work in the office. When I went to upload my photos I found I hadn’t taken ANY today so I took a photo of the bench with the new oranges looking ripe and ready for jam making...if we don’t eat them first.

Bob downloads all the weather details and we have had 13 frosts in a row and temps down to minus 7.8. 13 mm rain while we were away so we didn’t miss any exciting weather. The garden is looking it’s usual dull winter look but the bulbs are coming up and hellebores flowering happily.

We drove over 4000km in the four weeks away. Many would do more but we tried to stay in one place for up to 4 days at a time to save all the moving and packing up at each destination. Some memories include the vastness of the region, long history of human occupation (40,000 years at Mungo), beautiful gum trees along the dry creeks, dust and friendliness of the other travellers. I never felt unsafe ( except when we were down the mine and up a very high hill when driving on back roads). The staff in all the shops we visited were welcoming especially in Broken Hill where we needed some engineering assistance when the bike rack failed. All the caravan parks were clean and well kept but the litter between Broken Hill and Cobar was terrible. Everywhere else it was litter free.

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