Change of plans!
No, this isn’t my foot, but our daughter Laura’s - and it’s her photograph, but I didn’t end up taking anything else, and this was the most significant event of the day! Laura has been traveling all summer, firstly in Israel, and the last two weeks in the country of Georgia, mainly on her own, though she was joined by a friend for her last week in Israel. Tomorrow she was supposed to be starting on an organized trek in the Caucasus mountains for 8 days, and then going on to England where we will meet up with her in a couple of weeks time. We spoke to her this morning, using FaceTime, as this would be the last time before she left, and she was really excited about the trip and looking forward to being in the mountains again - they’re rather lacking in Kuwait, where she is currently teaching! We wished her well, and hung up. It must have been within the hour, probably even less, she was walking along the street, in Tbilisi, the capital, looking at her phone for directions, and she missed a step, falling, and injuring her foot - the top of her foot she said, rather than the ankle, but she still couldn’t put weight on it. She called us, on the verge of tears, from a cafe where she was resting with some ice on it. We told her what she really knew already, that she had to get to a hospital and get it x-rayed. I won’t bore you with all the details, suffice it to say fortunately it isn’t broken, but she’s to keep off it for two weeks - so no trekking, which I’m pretty sure she suspected as soon as she’d done it. So she is bitterly disappointed and beating herself up about being so stupid - but as I said to her most accidents are pretty “stupid” in retrospect! Anyway, in between trading messages with Laura all morning on WhatsApp, Roger was able to find her a flight to England tomorrow evening for a very reasonable price, given the short notice. She will fly to Manchester, unfortunately with a connection in Doha, and stay with Roger’s sister Janet and husband John, and her Grandad is just up the road. She finally made it back to her hotel, armed with a brace, crutches and painkillers, by which time she seemed to be coming to terms with it.
It was a grey wet day here, so we didn’t miss much whilst trying to give Laura some practical help and moral support! Roger did go out late afternoon to work out at the gym, but I stayed home - I’ve had plenty of exercise lately, so one lazy day won’t hurt!
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