pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

and i'm so impatient for a new sensation

Today has been a nice day. Bit of food shopping, bit of catching up with e-mails, bit of work, bit of cooking, bit of catching up with friends over the phone, bit of reading. So yeah, it's been alright. Even the work I had to do for school didn't take me as much time as I had initially thought. Since quitting Facebook, I actually receive e-mails from my friends again (instead of companies trying to sell me stuff). It's been nice writing to people again, especially when they're in different parts of the world.

The blip is also from a different part of the world - it's a fan I bought in Cambodia a few years ago. I think it's absolutely beautiful and the fact that it is hand made always impresses me...the way the different sections are all stitched together, to absolute perfection so it stays tight. I remember Hari seeing it and remarking the effort and dedication the person who made it must have put in to their craft. It makes me think how impressive it is when people can make things with their hands, without any machines. Brings you back to reality a bit. :)

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