pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

in the story of my life youll barely get a mention

What a great day today has been! I felt a bit rough but made it to my photography course. I am so glad! The first thing we were told to do was to go out and get 6 photos of people off the street. And if they asked us why, we were discouraged to say it was because of a photography course, and instead, just because they had a nice face. It was so much fun! It's the sort of thing I would have done so naturally when I was travelling, but somehow find so hard in London. Well, as soon as I did it, I found that people were really friendly and flattered and happy to have their picture taken. How nice :)

We played around with flashes, in and outside (à la Annie Leibovitz) and messed around on Photoshop. Since doing this course, I have decided I need to buy a tripod and need to get myself trained up on how to use Photoshop (cos I haven't really got a clue). This picture has obviously been messed around with on Photoshop but I have decided to have it as my blip today cos it was so much fun! We had to keep taking the shots over and over again cos Francis, Leroy and I were being a bit "special".

After the course, I randomly met up with some friends from work and ended up going for some really nice cocktails in Mayfair. Hmmm posh! Then went to a Sam Smith pub where there was an odd nerdy convention. Loads of people sat around together but not talking, they were all playing on their Nintendo DS. Odd. We ended up having a mini lock-in with Julian, the bar man from Scarborough. Nice man. Had to run across London to get the last train home.

Awesome day or what!?

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