
After gym and jobs, it was James’s day. He is leaving the nursery he’s been to since he was nearly one, and now at 3 he will start after summer at pre-school at big brother Thomas’s school. He did great singing and signing - he knew all the signs for every letter of the alphabet as he sang. Each child leaving nursery went up to get a certificate and were asked a few questions. Some were of course too shy to answer, some cried and needed their mums. It was really a bit much to expect 3 and 4 year olds to come out on their own in front of all the parents and grandparents, However James is a confident and happy go lucky boy who was able to say his name, his favourite thing about nursery and name his friends audibly. However he’s going to be disappointed I think that he won’t be at big school really, just pre-school. He wants a uniform jumper like a Thomas!

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