Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Getting better

We had a slightly better night - up for the day at 6.30am though so I've been very tired all day.

Henry is much more like his usual self, being cheeky and has a new game of hiding behind the curtain - then giving himself away by giggling!

We noticed that he's got another ulcer going along his gum next to his teeth as well - which keeps bleeding. No wonder his breath stinks - think it will be a while before he'll let us brush his teeth. Talking of teeth, he's got another canine which poked through this morning - poor boy had been teething as well as ill!

Today's blip is Henry eating his breadsticks (first solid meal in 3 days!) like a grown up with a fork and spoon. The novelty gave Neil and I 20 minutes to eat our roast chicken without interruption!

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