
I used a salad recipe from the Guardian for our lunch with Ivan and Anne yesterday, and there was enough left for us today. It really was more trouble over substance in the flavour department, despite liberal doses of garlic, lemon and sumac. I thought it would be more interesting as opened pitta breads were brushed with garlic and cumin and toasted, thin slices of chorizo were stir fried to be crispy, as was a tin of drained chickpeas. This was added to little gems, baby tomatoes, spring onoons, cucumber, radish slices and big chunks of juicy watermelon. The dressing was olive oil, garlic, lemon and sumac.

Anyway you live and learn.

Went to the gym, then town to get some Lego for Thomas who had a (surprisingly) wonderful school report, and James who “graduates” from nursery on Thursday. He won’t start school proper till the following year, but he will start at the school nursery in September. He is so excited to be going to breakfast club with Thomas.

In town I bought an electric blue eye liner. I feel fab wearing it. Bring back the 60’s!a

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