
I find it difficult to resist starting FutureLearn courses if they sound interesting. And this one did. I have done quite a bit of Origami and I did some work on patterns when I was into textile design, but I had never heard of Flexagons. 

So here I am idling some time away from the cleaning, washing, ironing -  folding paper. Trying to make them work, i.e. flex sufficiently to show all the different faces, is quite tricky. So much depends on the accuracy of the cutting, sticking and folding. And learning how to name them makes the brain hurt - tri-hexa-flexagon, tetra-tetra-flexagon, non-cyclic exa-tetra-flexagon. I'm impressed with the videos and the downloads though. 

I'm only halfway through the first week (of three). If the mathematics gets too difficult, I shall give up, but at the moment it is great fun. And certainly better than housework. 

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