Images from Dresden (2)

We took Hans' advice and bought a 6 euro day transport ticket. This is what an integrated system means! A train into Dresden, followed by a long tram ride to the far south end of the city. Then a ferry across the Elbe and a bus ride back along the river to the "Blue Bridge", which connects what were once the wealthiest suburbs in Europe. Then a funicular up the hill, followed by another bus ride to what must be the querkiest cheese shop anywhere, and then a tram back into town in time for something to eat before the Opera.
We had also booked into a tour round the Semperoper, which was very interesting. It had been destroyed by a fire not long after it was first built, and then of course, destroyed again in the War. The wooden panels all around the ground floor and the numerous marble pillars throughout the building are all in fact made of plaster. It took one person 4 years to paint the oak wood patterns on to the plaster "wooden panelling".
At half time in the Opera we were able to go out on to the balcony to enjoy some wonderful setting sun, and afterwards we were in time to catch a bus home for the final leg of our 6 euro ticket.

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