At Goodwick Harbor

There are some days when the Sun bears down on the world with its dazzling glamour, and those seem perfect as they happen. This was no such day. The sky roiled with clouds, letting occasional beams come down, and there were just enough passing showers to remind us that this is Wales. Today was imperfect but very beautiful.

For this image, Ceridwen & I were at the beginning of the East Breakwater, facing East from Goodwick. At left is the much longer North Breakwater. The Sun is hitting them at this capture but Dinas Head, the promontory in the distance straight ahead, is in shadow and taking rain. There is almost no wind.

Just outside the shot to the left, the ferry was preparing to head for Ireland. In the shallows to the right, cormorants were paddling briefly and then ducking underwater to hunt for fishes. I was impressed by how long they stayed under and how far they swam each time they went down.

This was just one part of a beautiful day, but this image seems right for my blip, rather than a shrew that one of the cats killed, or an old tin tabernacle on the High Street, or an old-fashioned grocery store selling Bobby's Jam Teacakes at 8 for a quid, or the new co-operative surplus foods cafe where Ceridwen gave me a tour (quite exciting but not so visual yet), or a picture of cozy human and feline feet, or a bowl of empty cockle shells after a delicious meal.

This shows a moment when my eye left the land to wander over the sea and through the tumbling clouds.

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