How to waste .....

.... Money!!
Our council have decided to make our borough Greener & Tidier. By issuing ever household new BINS! We already have adequate disposal boxes/ bins.
We have 1 blue box for tins/ plastics. 1 green box for paper/ card 1 large bin for household rubbish & 1 smaller grey box for household waste which is collected every week , whilst the bin/ boxes are collected alternate weeks. ( tins/ plastics/ paper barely covers the bottom of my boxes) I find it difficult to get 1 bin down a barely wide enough path once a fortnight let alone 2 bins each week. Can anyone tell me why I need these? Added to which I heard on TV a couple of weeks ago brown & grey plastic can't be recycled. Wouldn't the money be more use investing in making this possible? We could use this money much more usefully on things like re servicing the roads/ pot holes etc. Elderly/ Health/ suitable punishment the dog owners who's pets foul the pavements ( very dangerous to health).
Rant over!!
Great day again today, but no rain in sight, happy Friday folks.

Grateful .... for "A's" help , he's planted aPassion Flower/ Clematis .

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