
By Transitoire

Walking, Hellos, Goodbyes

Woke up just as the sun was rising and the dew looked really beautiful in the garden. So out I went, in dressing gown, pyjamas and leather boots...although luckily without anyone bar my parents seeing me! My favourite photographs were definitely of the flowers, and I was really lucky with the weather, as when I came back in the clouds came in!

Spent the morning with mum, and also the cat! After a quick Tesco trip we met up with Grandma Sylvia and the dog and ended up taking loads and loads of photographs...the park is absolutely stunning at the moment so I don't think I can be blamed! The trees are all turning various shades of gold, red and brown and I kept being distracted by all the colours. Was so nice to see Grandma Sylvia, as although we keep in contact by email when I'm away, she always reads my blip whenever I write any of these I always think of her. I always think of how she will read it, and whether I should add more information or explain things a bit more concisely. Even so, my parents still get quite a few questions!

Another day, another goodbye. Will not be seeing Grandma until Christmas...and then tomorrow will again be difficult, as I have to say goodbye to my parents. And then travel across England, and then France to get back to Caen. It seems that someone else didn't want me to go, and attempted a sabotage...

Will be good to see the Frenchies, and as ever, bad to say goodbye to England. But, as Granda Sylvia told me: "You should move about a lot; staying in the same place is so boring, especially when you're young."

And to prepare for my time back in France, words I've researched (for when ordering a steak!):-
- Bleu- rare
- Saignant- medium rare
- à point- medium
- Bien cuit- well done

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