From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Red -(pink) sky at night...

It's been such a dull day weather wise and I couldn't believe it was only 4.20pm when the sun set! I hope the pink sky really does mean shepherds' delight and tomorrow will be brighter. A visit to Duxford, near Cambridge, is planned and we have been told to bring our wellies ready for a country walk.

I have also done a wash ( - more ironing), taken 15 sacks of garden rubbish for recycling (-wish I had taken my camera as some people seemed to take whole trees, and B and I had so neatly cut up her prunings!) and looked through hundreds of pictures ready to make a calendar for next year.

Very cross I didn't get to the special date today before others did. I had even written it LARGE and stuck it on the fridge! I blame it on no longer having a classroom.

Time to eat I think.

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